How to limit the feeling of heavy legs in sport?

Categories : Advice

Ankles that swell with the heat, feeling of heaviness, circulation problems, varicose veins... Venous insufficiency has many more or less painful, more or less visible consequences. In all cases, sports activities can allow a person suffering from a sensation of heavy legs to improve his or her physical condition and increase venous return.

Why is sport good against heavy legs?

The sensation of having heavy legs comes from venous insufficiency. Blood stagnates in the blood vessels of the legs, especially in people who have to stand for long hours. The muscles of the calves are the main actors of the return of blood to the heart. The less you move, the less muscular your calves are and the less they fulfill their role: to make blood flow from your feet to your heart. This is why it is essential to have regular physical activity to avoid or reduce the problem of heavy legs.

Recommended sports

The sports recommended to reduce the sensation of heavy legs and to allow the blood from the legs to flow correctly to the heart to be oxygenated are the sports that solicit the lower limbs in a soft and regular way.

Swimming is particularly indicated for people suffering from heavy legs. Cycling is also a good way to promote blood circulation in the legs. With each pedal stroke, the soles of the feet are stimulated, which activates the venous return pump. In addition, there is no jerking or treading, and it is gentle on the joints: a good way to gently re-train your legs.

A great idea: combine swimming and cycling with aquabiking!

Red vine and peppermint: the winning duo

Phytotherapy is one of the weapons of choice to fight against these venous disorders. Zoom in on two plants for a gentle and in-depth action on your veins.

  • The red Vine

The leaves of red vine whose color reveals the presence of anthocyanins are extremely effective in venous insufficiency. These active ingredients strengthen the resistance of the vessels and reduce their permeability. And it is necessary to add the presence of tannins and flavonoids: the ideal combination against venous stasis and for a long-term protection. The recommended dosage is also of a capsule of red Vine morning and evening.

  •  The essential oil of Peppermint brings a delicate sensation of freshness on the legs

Meltonic care products are there to help you:

  • Light legs gel to massage after exercise
  • Anti-friction cream to limit friction during exercise (crotch, nipples, feet, neck)

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