Sodium chloride in sports

Categories : Advice
Le chlorure de sodium - dans le sport : Conseil Meltonic

What is sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is an ionic compound commonly known as "table salt" in everyday language. Its chemical name is NaCI because salt is composed of sodium (Na) and chlorine (CI). Thus, like potassium, calcium or magnesium, sodium is one of the essential mineral salts for our body and for the nutrition of the sportsman.

Sodium chloride exists in several forms and colors: We find sea salt collected by the evaporation of sea water. It is a refined salt and its grains are coarser than other salts. Also, Himalayan salt, known by its pinkish color, is the purest salt in the world and is generally harvested by hand in Pakistan. Flower of salt, on the other hand, must be harvested by hand in the tidal basins in Loire Atlantique or in Brittany. The fine crystals of salt must be harvested with the traditional tools of the salt worker, namely the las and the lousse.

L'eefet du chlorure de sodium sur les sportifs

Why is sodium chloride important in sports nutrition?

In sports, sodium loss is due to the sweating process. Indeed, the athlete sweats and that is why he loses mineral salts, which are precious for the body and necessary to continue the effort.

Sodium chloride plays an essential role in the nutrition of the athlete because it absorbs and transports nutrients. Moreover, sodium chloride allows the body to absorb water. It maintains blood pressure, participates in the transmission of nerve impulses but also acts in the contraction and relaxation of muscles.

Although it can be consumed normally through the diet before and after the sport effort, sodium chloride comes into play to avoid the risks of dehydration (lack of water in the body) but also hyponatremia in athletes. Hyponatremia is the consumption of too much water compared to the amount of sodium present in the body during exercise. The body lacks sodium and does not facilitate the hydration of the body during exercise.

The performance of an athlete can be seriously affected if water consumption is not properly regulated. It is therefore advisable to favor isotonic (energy) drinks rich in electrolytes and sodium chloride, which will provide the minerals necessary to prolong the effort and avoid dehydration and hyponatremia in the athlete. A lack of sodium in the body of the athlete during the effort does not allow an optimal hydration.

The consequences of a lack of sodium chloride in the athlete's body are the appearance of muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness or malaise.

Sports nutrition and sodium chloride

The consumption of sodium chloride in the diet of athletes is to be consumed in moderation. According to the World Health Organization, the consumption of sodium chloride should not exceed 5 grams per day because it can be the source of high blood pressure. However, it can be used during and after exercise to facilitate the absorption of water in the body.

Sodium chloride during and after sports effort

To facilitate hydration during exercise and avoid hyponatremia, choose a drink rich in electrolytes during exercise in order to anticipate water loss, prolong exercise and replenish the body with sodium chloride. Consume 1 to 2 sips every 10 minutes without excess. During exercise the digestive system is more likely to impact the athlete's performance because it is more sensitive in ground sports such as trail running or running.

Although we associate sugar with energy which pushes more to the consumption of sweetened energy bars, sodium chloride is very beneficial during the effort to avoid food lassitude and stimulate the body. Energy bars and salted gels are perfect for an intense sports effort. They should be consumed with water or an isotonic drink to replenish the body with minerals and assist in hydration. Discover our salty products (energy bars and gels) Meltonic.

In order for the body to catch up on its water losses more effectively, sodium chloride is beneficial after exercise during the athlete's recovery.

Aliment riche en chlorure de sodium, bon pour la santé.

Foods rich in sodium chloride

Sodium levels can vary depending on the foods in the athlete's diet. Processed, prepared or freeze-dried foods have a high level of sodium chloride. Deli meats and fermented foods are also rich in sodium chloride. Sauces such as soy or mustard are also among the foods containing a certain amount of sodium. It is advisable to consume these foods in moderation and to promote a healthy and balanced diet to optimize the performance of the athlete during exercise.

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